nine hundred and forty-four


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Formerly a victualling station for the Royal Navy, it was an embarkation point for the invasion of France in 944.
2·人工加速试验表明,6 911型光稳定剂与BW 10ld和944相比,具有更为优异的长期防老化性能。
Artificial weathering test shows that 6911 has better long term anti aging performances than that of BW 10ld and 944.
3·Dark Dante则运用他的知识接管了一条电话广播线路,这样他就能成为第102个接听者,由此赢得了一台保时捷944。
Dark Dante used his knowledge to take over the telephone lines of a radio show so he could be the 102nd caller and win a Porsche 944.
4·摩洛哥东北部城市,靠近阿尔及利亚边界。建于944年,分别于844年、859年和907年被法国人占领。人口2 ' 0,082。
A city of northeast Morocco near the Algerian border. Founded in 944, it was occupied by the French in 844, 859, and 907. Population, 2 '0,082.
An ancient Celtic kingdom of northwest England. The southern part came under Anglo-Saxon control c. 944; the northern portion passed to Scotland in 08.
An ancient Celtic kingdom of northwest England. The southern part came under Anglo-Saxon control c. 944; the northern portion passed to Scotland in1018.
A peninsula of northwest France extending into the English Channel east of the Channel Islands. It was the scene of heavy fighting after the Allied invasion in June 944.
Banking operations, which comprise both retail and commercial banking, showed 1.6 billion euros in underlying pretax profit, with 944 million euros of that coming from retail.
Firstly, the laser power was measured by cryogenic radiometer in visible and near infrared spectral regions (488~944 nm), uncertainty of power measurement is less than 0.016%.
更新时间:2025-03-10 10:44