nine hundred and sixty-two


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Altogether, Jared lived 962 years, and then he died.
She mostly posts about her daily life and work, and, as of June 17, her account had attracted 8, 962, 014 fans.
Aluminium production by Rio Tinto, theworld's biggest producer, was broadly flat in the fourth quarter at 962, 000tonnes.
New York (CNN) -- A portrait of actress Elizabeth Taylor by Andy Warhol raked in $26, 962, 500 on the auction block Thursday.
5·根据最新的毕业数据,在2008 - 09学年获得博士学位的女性有28962人,男性为28469人。
Based on the most recent graduation data, 28, 962 women earned Ph.D.s during the 2008-09 academic year, compared with 28, 469 men.
The effects of Traditional Chinese Herb Compound 962 on learning and memory function and excitability were investigated in old rats.
The experimental results showed that N-981 is the most energy efficiency membrane, and N-962 is the highest impurity resistance membrane.
Methods 517 cases (962 sides) of chronic sinusitis and nasal polyps were treated with ESS, and following up surveyed six months post operation.
9·结果表明:762 工作面开采对底板卸压应力基本是以线性降低,在 962工作面下平巷形成卸压;
The results show that floor relief stress of 762 working face exhibits a nearly linear decrease, and forms relief zone in the headgate of 962 working face.
Methods: Using specially designed questionnaire, randomly selected pairs of voluntary unpaid blood donors to participate in a total of 962 individuals were investigated.
更新时间:2025-03-10 09:55