nine hundred and sixty-six


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There exists 3158 wild species in 966 genera and 181 families of vascular plant in Henan Province.
2·方法在贵阳市城区采用整群抽样方法,用标准量表调查了966 名60 岁及以上的老年人。
Methods A community was sampled by using cluster sampling. 966 elderly people aged 60 years old or older were interviwed by using a standard questionnaire.
The UKHAN researchers' study, published in The Lancet, compared the effect of different combinations of treatments in 966 patients with advanced head and neck cancer.
Dull symbols of cultural homogeneity as many tall buildings may be, the last decade has also shown us how much skyscrapers still retain their sway over architects' imaginations. (966 words)
By means of statistics, this paper investigated 966 Hangzhou citizens who take part in regular sports, analysed their aim and benefits of physical exercises and put forward some good Suggestions.
更新时间:2025-03-29 06:06