nine hundred and seventy-two


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Photo 972: Corner of window in Catlike Life Home Coffee.
Methods A field survey using self-administrated questionnaire was conducted among 972 visitors.
Apple fell from the top of RESCUECOM's ranks in the last quarter, as ASUS achieved an unusually high score of 972.
The Director of Planning issued 972 warning letters for 284 cases, 649 enforcement notices for 105 cases, and 449 compliance notices for 82 cases.
The result of the election, declared at 3am the following day-to a cheering crowd-was a victory for Qian Yunmeng, who won 1,788 votes against 972 for his rival.
The result of the election, declared at 3am the following day—to a cheering crowd—was a victory for Qian Yunmeng, who won 1, 788 votes against 972 for his rival.
7·研究跟踪了972个首次发心脏病后的幸存者,他们的年龄在35岁至59岁之间。 他们中所有的人在发病后18个月内都重新回去工作,每周至少工作10小时。
The study tracked 972 first-time heart attack survivors, aged 35-59, all of whom went back to work within 18 months of their heart attack for at least 10 hours a week.
Methods NLA was carried out in 972 cases, including direct laryngoscopic operation in 574 patients, esophageal surgery in 143 patients, middle ear- mastoid operation in 255 patients.
9·马来西亚于2002年以9.72亿美元定购的2艘柴油动力潜艇中的一艘KD Tunku Abdul Rahman Klang于两个月的运输后,9月4日抵达海军基地。
Taipei - The KD Tunku Abdul Rahman, the first of two diesel submarines ordered by Malaysia in 2002 for $972 million, arrived at Port Klang naval base Sept. 4 after a two-month transit.
Using the method combining systemic sampling and cluster sampling together, we select 972 persons to be the inquisition object, collecting 890 valid questionnaire, with 91.6% efficiency .
更新时间:2025-03-10 10:55