nine hundred and seventy-five


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When he died in 975 AD at the age of 72, Amitabha came to take him to the Pure Land.
A city of northeast Virginia, a suburb of Alexandria and Washington, D. C. Population, 50, 975.
Control risk in both scenarios by lowering position size and placing sell stops under 975 or the ETF equivalent.
Founded c. 1100-1250, it is regarded as the oldest continuously inhabited community in the United States. Population, 975.
The Republic of Korea’s armed forces reached a strength of 590, 911 and suffered 272, 975 casualties—killed, wounded, missing.
6·测定分析不同膳食特点地区975例年龄45 ~ 74岁中老年人的血红蛋白及其与膳食营养素的关系。
The relationship of hemoglobin and dietary nutrients intake were studied on 975 subjects of 45 ~ 74 years old in selected areas.
7·沙特阿拉伯国王(从982年起),曾任内务大臣(9 ' 2 - 975年),辅佐沙特的内外政策。
King of Saudi Arabia (since 982) who earlier served as interior minister (9 '2-975) and helped shape Saudi domestic and foreign policy.
Figures from the Office for National Statistics show the population grew by nearly two million to 60, 975, 000 people between 2001 and 2007.
In 1986, Richard Hofmann of Lake City, Fla., achieved a bite strength of 975 pounds (442 kilograms) for two seconds, setting a Guinness Record.
Control risk in this scenario by standing aside while watching for gold to trade as low as 975 on high volume in futures and equity derivatives.
更新时间:2025-03-29 06:06