nine hundred and eighty-two


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In 982, a Viking called Eric the Red sailed west in search of new land.
The Viking longboats that arrived here in 982 relied on the stars and the sun to maintain their orientation.
They left their fingerprints and became connected to the families of 2, 982 others in a way that they had not felt before.
4·喂,接线员,我想挂个叫人电话到芝加哥, 电话号码是982-8674,但我不知道电话分区号码。
Yes, Operator. I'd like to place a person-to-person call to Chicago. The number is 982-8674, but I don't know the area code.
5·沙特阿拉伯国王(从982年起),曾任内务大臣(9 ' 2 - 975年),辅佐沙特的内外政策。
King of Saudi Arabia (since 982) who earlier served as interior minister (9 '2-975) and helped shape Saudi domestic and foreign policy.
Visits abroad for other reasons fluctuated, dropping from 982 in 1994 to 896 in 1995 and then climbing back to 1054 before finally falling to 990.
Accused of murder and banished from his native home of Iceland in about 982, Eric explored and later founded a settlement in, what is now, Greenland.
Lake scenic area of 982 square kilometers, of which Lakes area of 573 square kilometers, the lake in 1078 has spread across the island got its name.
9·具有蓝牙功能的设备的出货量,在2006年过后将实现39% 的年复合增长率,到2013年前带来9.82亿件的市场交易量。
Bluetooth-enabled device shipments are now expected to achieve a compound annual growth rate of 39 per cent over 2006, bringing the market to 982 million units by 2013.
10·瑞士—Luzer: 一年一次的救援演习中,一名男子正吊在通往皮拉图斯峰(pilatusi)的索道上滑行。 在他下面,山谷被大雾覆盖。
Fog covers the valleys behind as a man is abseiled from a cable car during an annual rescue exercise at the funicular to Mount Pilatus (6, 982 ft) near Luzer, Switzerland on Nov. 9.
更新时间:2025-03-26 04:19