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Pump equipment in this project is mainly used for fire fighting system and 9902 and 9901 water systems.
2·结论EGHC - 9901细胞系符合外生型肝癌细胞系的特征。
Conclusion: EGHC-9901 has characteristic of the extrahepatic growing hepatocellular carcinoma cell line.
3·目的:研究六亚甲基双乙酰胺(HMBA)与紫杉醇合用对人骨肉瘤OS 990 1细胞的抑制作用。
Objectives:To study the inhibitory effect of hexamethylene bisacetamide (HMBA)combined with taxol on human osteogenic sarcoma cell line OS 9901.
The Rosemount 9901 is a range of high quality chambers which allow external mounting of level measurement and control instrumentation on process vessels.
5·方法:用MTT法检测HMBA、紫杉醇单用或二者合用对体外培养的人骨肉瘤OS 990 1细胞增殖变化的影响。
Methods:MTT assay was used to determine the inhibitory effects of HMBA, taxol and HMBA combined with taxol on human osteogenic sarcoma cell line OS 9901 in vitro .
更新时间:2025-03-29 10:45