ninety-nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine


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1·目前由- 99999这个通用错误代码定义的错误代码大约有2000条。
There are approximately 2000 generic error codes defined with the -99999 generic error code.
Real Programmers are surprised when the odometers in their cars dont turn from 99999 to 9999a.
3·其目的是为了避免像 -1 和 99999 这样的“标志”值,以免它们扭曲真正的取值范围。
The motivation is to avoid "flag" values such as -1 and 99999 which will distort the true range of values.
The response to the invitation was overwhelming - the first 99999 applications were submitted in less than 2 days.
5·如果错误代码是通用驱动程序还没有定义的,那么它将回显一个- 99999错误代码。
If the error code is not yet defined by the Universal driver, it will echo a -99999 error code. Here is a reference to the currently available error codes for the DB2 Universal JDBC driver.
更新时间:2025-04-01 06:25