1·This is all but the revival of Alexandrian thought.
2·His letter was not binding on anybody else, except the churches in his Alexandrian diocese.
3·There is no one individual whose work epitomizes the character of the alexandrian age as well as Archimedes.
4·By the time of Augustus, the so-called Alexandrian calendar had even incorporated an additional day for leap years.
5·The Cosmopolitanism is the guiding ideology of the Alexandrian Library and the bridge to connect the old Alexandrian Library with the new one.
6·It was the exigencies of controversy that first led Luther to draw a sharp line between the books of the Hebrew Canon and the Alexandrian writings.
7·To create consistency across a multi-skilled organisation, Alexandrian patterns provide a much more workable strategy than the clear-cut absolutes of Best Practices.
8·Acts 28:11 and after it had been three months, we put out to sea in an Alexandrian ship which had wintered in the island, with the twin sons of Zeus for its figurehead.
9·The Byzantine and Alexandrian approaches to studying text variants are faulty because both use only certain copies of the New Testament as being the most accurate and reliable.
10·well the way it was done was develop by an Alexandrian Allen , very famous , he had the sun moving around the earth and Venus orbiting around the point on the line between the earth and the sun.