1·I am the mother of those beautiful girls: Emma, Alyson, and Katie, ages 8, 7, and 5.
我就是那三个漂亮的小女孩的母亲,她们是:emma, 8岁,Alyson, 7岁和Katie, 5岁。
2·Today, at school, I, Ryan, Andrew and Alyson were doing spelling and we were loud, disruptive and rude.
3·Alyson Peltz and her husband, David, to have children, and they fear the same difficulties await their young son, Ryan.
4·All I could think about was Emma, Alyson, and Katie, my three beautiful girls, and all the wonderful things they'd never do, never see.
我脑海里能想到的就是我的三个漂亮的孩子Emma, Alyson, and Katie,和那些她们再也没机会做,再也没有机会看到的世界上所有美好的事情。
5·Some experts have already suggested that a dilemma like Alyson and David Peltz's might make a perfect test case for using similar techniques to tinker with humans' genetic inheritance.