B 2

B 2



B 2
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1·So this is our valence electron configuration for b 2.
2·B 2 Be-commerce on the model, with the largest industry-based e-commerce platform of professional prospects.
对B 2 B电子商务模式来说,以大的行业为依托的专业电子商务平台前景看好。
3·Methods: The subjects were 102 patients with chronic gastritis, receiving acupuncture at Jiaji (Ex-B 2) plus cupping for treatment.
4·For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre.
5·Increment 2 is the largest effort ever undertaken to augment the lethality of the B-2 weapon system.
增量2项目是美军有史以来规模最大的研发工作,以增加B - 2武器系统杀伤力。
6·The wreckage in Abbottabad appeared to have exotic coatings and distinct surfaces and edges reminiscent of stealth aircraft such as the B-2 bomber and the F-22 fighter, aviation experts say.
7·Both organizations supported the planning and execution of B-2 test flights, and analyzed radar test data.
这两个组织都对B - 2测试飞行试验的规划和执行提供支持,并分析雷达测试数据。
8·B loaned 2 dollar to A. So his net asset is 2 dollar.
9·In February 2009, Northrop Grumman passed Verification Compliance Review (VCR) -1, which audited the company's testing of the B-2 radar's hardware and basic operational modes.
2009年2月,诺斯罗普·格鲁曼公司通过第一次审核(VCR - 1),其中审核了公司在B - 2雷达的硬件和基本运作模式的测试。
10·The B-2 is hard to detect via infrared, acoustic, electromagnetic, visual or radar signals.
B - 2无法通过红外线、声音、电磁波、视觉上的及雷达信号跟踪侦查。
更新时间:2025-03-10 05:11