F 16




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1·A low-flying, dark grey F-16 shot past, leaving behind two columns of smoke in the horizon.
一架深灰色的F - 16从低空飞过,并向地面射击,在地平线上留下了两列烟尘。
2·Norwegian F-16 fighter jets scrambled 39 times in 2009 in response to Russian air Force activities close to Norwegian airspace.
2009年,挪威的F - 16战斗机紧急起飞39次,响应俄罗斯接近挪威领空的空军活动。
3·BUCHAREST, Romania - Romania will purchase 24 secondhand F-16 fighter jets in an effort to revamp its Air Force, the country's Supreme Defense Council (CSAT) announced March 23.
罗马尼亚国家最高国防委员会(CSAT) 3月23日宣布,该国将购买24架二手的F - 16战斗机,以改造其空军力量。
4·Production of the F-16 generates hundreds of jobs in Texas where the jets are assembled and in New Jersey.
F - 16飞机的生产为德克萨斯州和新泽西州提供了数百个就业岗位,飞机就是在德克·萨斯组装的。
5·Production of the F-16 generates hundreds of jobs in Texas, where the jets are assembled, and in New Jersey.
F - 16飞机的生产为德克萨斯州和新泽西州提供了数百个就业岗位,飞机就是在德克·萨斯组装的。
6·TURKISH F-16 fighter jets screech across the skies.
7·The F-16 fighters will replace the Chile's aging F-5 jets, which have been in use since 1976.
这些F - 16战机将替代智利从1976年就开始使用早已老化的F - 5喷气式飞机。
8·The testing, which began in June 2007, put the MALD through a series of flight profiles including jettison and powered flight tests from both F-16 and B-52 aircraft.
9·The airborne recordings are done by RADA's DVDR, selected 3 years ago by Lockheed Martin for F-16 FMS programs.
机载记录由RADA公司的DVDR系统完成,自3年前用于洛克希德马丁公司F - 16 FMS项目。
10·The U.S. recently approved to export F-16 fighters to Pakistan. What influence will it bring to the military cooperation between China and Pakistan?
更新时间:2025-03-26 08:54