F 16 fighter




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1·BUCHAREST, Romania - Romania will purchase 24 secondhand F-16 fighter jets in an effort to revamp its Air Force, the country's Supreme Defense Council (CSAT) announced March 23.
罗马尼亚国家最高国防委员会(CSAT) 3月23日宣布,该国将购买24架二手的F - 16战斗机,以改造其空军力量。
2·Norwegian F-16 fighter jets scrambled 39 times in 2009 in response to Russian air Force activities close to Norwegian airspace.
2009年,挪威的F - 16战斗机紧急起飞39次,响应俄罗斯接近挪威领空的空军活动。
3·According to the review, the Air Force wants to "retain a dual-capable fighter" that can drop both conventional and nuclear weapons as the F-16 Fighting Falcon is phased out and replaced by the F-35.
该报告还指出,因f - 16战斗机将逐渐淘汰,空军希望使用f - 35来满足“两用型战斗机的需求”,即可以投掷常规武器和核武器。
4·TURKISH F-16 fighter jets screech across the skies.
5·There are 16 British-supplied Jaguars still in operation following the replacement of a squadron of Jaguars with F-16 fighter jets made by Lockheed Martin, a US defence contractor, in 2005 and 2006.
6·As the governor and his officials looked on, Jan van Hoof, a Dutch commander, called in a group of F-16 fighter jets, which swooped over the city of Baghlan, their thunderous afterburners engaged.
当地方长官及其属下抬头张望之际,在荷兰军官简•范霍夫(Jan van Hoof)的呼叫下,一群F-16战机呼啸而至巴格兰城上空。 机群加大油门俯冲直下,震耳欲聋的轰鸣声摄人心魄,令人难忘。
7·Workers at the plant build the F-16 jet fighter.
这个工厂的工人建造f - 16喷气式战斗机。
8·The tear gas civilians inhale in the Palestinian Territories is made in Pennsylvania, and the helicopters and the F-16 fighter planes are also made in the USA.
巴勒斯坦地区人们吸入的催泪瓦斯是在宾夕法尼亚州制造的,直升机和F - 16战机也是在美国制造的。
9·I climbed into the back-seat of the world's hottest jet fighter, the F-16. Clouds hung over our air base, but I knew that soon I would be above the clouds, where the sun was shining.
我登上世界上最新式的喷气式战斗机F - 16的后座,此时云层正笼罩在我们空军基地的上空,但我知道,很快我将升至云端之上,那里阳光灿烂。
10·Electronics on the JL-8 are minimal, as it's basically a two seat trainer, to prepare fighter pilots before they climb into anything from a MiG-21 to an F-16.
在JL - 8上的电子设备极少,如同它基本上是一架双座教练机一样,在飞行员进入任何从米格- 21到F - 16战机之前培训他们。
更新时间:2025-03-26 05:07