1·A new aesthetic horizon emerges, and texts are constituted in a different way, much also as the Russian formalists have said, only with the sense in Jauss of the historical imperative.
2·According to Jauss, the important thing about Tony the Tow Truck is that it is not the same story as the Little Engine that Could.
3·Jauss s "horizon of expectations" reveals that translators should take readers horizon of expectation into consideration in order to achieve readers acceptability of their translations.
4·The traditional understanding of Jauss thought attributes his thought to Iiterature theory approach.
5·The author of this thesis mainly employs "horizon of expectations" proposed by Hans Robert Jauss, one of the major representatives of the Constance School.
本论文作者主要应用康斯坦茨学派代表人物之一姚斯的理论——“期待 视野”作为 研究的理论基础。