1·They explored the land to the south of the Murray river.
—— 《牛津词典》
2·And my family and I live on an orchard in the small town of Cobram, right next to the Murray River.
3·Oxford Landing was established in 1958 on the bands of the majestic Murray river in south Australia.
4·Located on the Murray River, Joe and Christine Caudo's Hogwash Bend property comprises three different zones.
5·A river of southeast Australia rising in the Australian Alps and flowing about, '89 km (, 050 mi) westward to the Murray river.
澳大利亚东南部河流,源于澳大利亚山脉,向西流入墨累河,流程,' 89公里,050英里。
6·Mildura and Renmark are surrounded by desert, and fruit farms and vineyards survive only with irrigation from the Murray River, the lifeblood of Australia's agriculture.
7·With the scientists working hard to restore peace to the lake, it is hoped that the ecosystem can be rejuvenated to save the habitats and species living in the Murray River.
8·But since his skeleton, known as Nacurrie, was discovered in 1948, near Swan Hill on the Murray River, it has been the changes to his skull that have been of most interest to Professor Brown.
9·Arid lands, surprisingly, contain some of the world's largest river systems, such as the Murray-Darling in Australia, the Rio Grande in North America, the Indus in Asia, and the Nile in Africa.
10·The first is the Murray-Darling basin Authority, a new body with power to set limits on water extraction across the entire river system, in a bid to end the four basin states' bickering.