P 3

P 3



P 3
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1·sp3 PROFESSOR: OK, so it's 2 s p 3, and our second carbon is also 2 s p 3.
2·So what you see is actually a diminished lobe on the back part of this s p 3 orbital.
3·US stock is trading high with the Dow gaining 80 at 13,792; NADAQ up 15 points at 3158; S&P 500 up 3 at 1496.
4·I'm looking for someone careful and patient to watch my kids when I'm working from 11: 00 a. m. to 3: 00 p. m.
5·There were no significant differences in urine 8-isoprostanes among 3 groups before or after intervention(P>0.05).
6·M-chlorocresol or 3-hydroxy-4-chlorophenol on treatment with p-nitrobenzoyl chloride was prepared and conyerted into substituted p-nitrobezyl ketone.
7·The very first ladies Tournament was introduced at 1897 and Adine Masson was better in finals over P. Girod with 6-3 6-1.
第一届女士锦标赛开始于1897年。马森在总决赛以6 - 3,6 - 1的比分战胜格老德。
8·But at 11.35am the day after that, on August 3 2007, an ambulance was called to the house. Its crew found Baby P already stiff and blue in his cot.
9·The final \p{Alpha}{2, 3} means two or three alphabetic characters.
最后的 \p{Alpha}{2, 3} 表示两个或三个字母字符。
10·The S&P 500 index of leading shares dipped 3 points before recovering to add 3 points by evening in London, while the Dow Jones and FTSE 100 nudged up 0.2% and 0.03% respectively.
标准普尔500指数(S&P500 index)在下午道琼斯(Dow Jones)指数和英国富时100(FTSE 100,金融时报100指数)指数各自微涨0.2%和0.03%的带动下,在下挫3点之后最终微涨3点。
更新时间:2025-03-28 09:09