RMS error

[数] 均方根误差



[数] 均方根误差
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1·The analysis indicates that the more quantification bit number, the less RMS error;
2·The verification statistics (for both S1 skill score and RMS error) shows that there is more impact for forecast period of 48 hours than for 24 hours.
3·The team recorded a decrease in mean K, SE and RMS error, whilst lines were gained in UCVA and BSCVA, and pachymetry increased with no endothelial cell loss being observed in either group (Table 1).
研究小组记录到:治疗后平均K值、SE和RMS 误差降低,同时裸眼视力和最佳矫正视力提高了几行,并且两组患者角膜厚度增加,没有观察到角膜内皮细胞的丢失(表1)。
4·The out-of-plane tilting speckle interferogram is computer-simulated and the RMS phase error is calculated to verify reliability.
5·A simple and practical analytical model of fluctuation error (RMS miss distance due to glint noise) of the homing guidance System, is then obtained to calculate guidance accuracy.
6·Simulation results show that the position error of the integrated navigation system is less than 15% (RMS) of goal error over long intervals, and even smaller in the area with evident anomaly gravity.
仿真结果表明:该组合导航系统长时间定位误差小于导航系统目标误差的15% (RMS),在重力异常显著变化地区其定位误差将更小。
7·Undulator rms phase error is expressed as function of the magnet peak field distribution. It can be used as the objective function for practical undulator performance optimization.
8·Compared to the measurement random error (rms ) of the order of 10(-5), the total systematic error caused by the errors mentioned above can be neglect.
9·It is verified that the measurement of the self-designed curvature sensor is correct, the error percent of peak-valley value (PV) is 10%, and the error percent of root mean square (RMS) is 2%.
更新时间:2025-03-10 05:51