Wake forest university




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1·He has an undergraduate degree from Wake Forest University.
2·Dr Tony Atala, from Wake Forest University, North Carolina, is pioneering this breakthrough.
3·The groom, Henry Hager, is a graduate of Wake Forest University and is studying for a Masters in business at the University of Virginia.
4·The team – from Wake Forest University in North Carolina – has studied angry ant swarms, which converge on an enemy and then overwhelm it.
来自北卡罗莱纳州维克森林大学(Wake Forest University)的这一研究小组对怒愤的蚂蚁群先围聚然后吞噬敌人的行为进行了研究。
5·Thus spoke Robert Stratta, a transplant surgeon and researcher at Wake Forest University Baptist Medical Centre, in North Carolina, on October 1st.
在十月一号,威克森林大学位于北卡罗来纳州的浸会医学中心的一位外科移植医生兼研究员,Robert Stratta如此说道。
6·An English professor at Wake Forest University in North Carolina, Mr Wilson has crafted a tirade against the country's "wanton" embrace of "manic bliss".
作为北卡罗来那州威克·福斯特大学(Wake Forest University)的英文教授,威尔逊先生精心炮制了长篇大论,反对这个国家对“狂热的福佑”的荒唐拥抱。
7·Not all labs do.At Wake Forest University, the monkeys are housed in pairs and separated only at meal times so that researchers can monitor what each monkey eats.
8·Not all labs do. At Wake Forest University, the monkeys are housed in pairs and separated only at meal times so that researchers can monitor what each monkey eats.
9·But Robert Whaples, an economist at Wake Forest University, actually examined this claim in 2007 by looking at pricing data from a chain of convenience stores.
但维克森林大学(Wake Forest University)经济学家罗伯特·霍普里斯(robert Whaples)在2007年对这种说法进行了检验,方式是查看一系列便利店的价格。
10·Researchers at Wake Forest University School of Medicine examined nerve cells in the hippocampus, a region of the brain associated with memory coding and storing.
维克森林大学医学院(Wake Forest University School of Medicine)的研究人员检测了海马体的神经元。 海马体是大脑里与记忆的编码、储存相关的区域。
更新时间:2025-03-10 06:00