1·We act as if we're all knowing beings, yet there's much we fail to see.
2·Do you believe that God is the all knowing, all-powerful Creator of the world who still rules the universe today?
3·The false gods pretend to be whole and complete and all knowing when they are only a part of the physical vessel separated off.
4·Just let go of the mind completely and what's left over is your infinite beingness, all knowing, all powerful, everywhere present.
5·It is strange that children all over the country study the same bits of history - all knowing certain periods and hardly studying outside them.
6·Your inner vision is more of a knowing that comes through the all knowing light of God which flashes as inspiration within and downloads to you that which you seek to know.
7·The ego seeks to show off its grandeur through the arrogance of all knowing and in some cases seeks to assume its rightful place by its measure against the elitist barometer.
8·These motherly advise transcends the borders of time, space, language and culture.For kids are kids everywhere and Mom are always Mom...caring, concern, all knowing and full of love.
9·These motherly advise transcends the borders of time, space, language and culture. For kids are kids everywhere and Mom are always Mom... caring, concern, all knowing and full of love.
10·It would be unwise to comment on the situation without knowing all the facts.
—— 《牛津词典》