alter position




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1·That's because the glasses are wired to position and orientation sensors that track the wearer's gaze, and the system USES this information to alter the image accordingly in real time for each user.
2·If you are performing an in-place alter operation or altering a read-only server, replay position advancement is not performed.
如果正在执行一个in - place alter操作,或者正在修改一个只读的服务器,则不会推进重放位置。
3·For example, you avoid the need to advance the replay position for each alter operation.
4·The replay position advancement is necessary because the slow alter, alter fragment, and clustered index creation operations change the table partition Numbers.
重放位置的推进是必需的,因为slow alter、alter fragment和集群索引创建操作会改变表分区号。
5·For the slow alter, alter fragment, or clustered index creation operations, the alter operation replay position is moved to the current log position before performing the operation.
对于slow alter、alter fragment或集群索引创建操作,在执行alter操作之前,alter操作的重放位置被移动到当前的日志位置。
6·If the alter operation is an in-place alter, or if the participant mode is set to read-only for the replicated table being altered, the replay position is not moved.
如果alter操作是一个in - place alter,或者被修改复制表的参与者模式被设为只读,那么重放位置不会移动。
7·Once he was forced to seat himself on the banquette in order to alter Marius' position, and he thought that he should have to remain there.
8·If the claims of the other side prove true, we may be forced to alter our position.
9·Depending upon the distance between the replay position and the current log position and the size of the unspooled data in send queue, this operation might delay the alter operation.
取决于重放位置与当前日志位置之间的距离,以及发送队列中未假脱机的数据的大小,这个操作可能会延缓 alter 操作。
10·He DID not alter his position so much as modify its severity.
更新时间:2025-03-24 22:55