1·It is useless to argue on a trifle.
2·It is on use to argue on suppositions.
3·And he did not argue on what is the point.
4·I know you want to argue on this point but let me explain.
5·But it is impossible to argue on medical or ethical grounds that such behaviour is acceptable.
6·So. one could argue on epidemiological or observational data that the goal should be lower.
7·Objective The restoration of maxillary defect is still a difficult problem of stomatology, so far, the researchers are still argue on the restoration of maxilla defect.
8·Nagios doesn't seem to have scalable built-in agents on target hosts (people may argue on that point) while this was part of the intentional, original design of Ganglia.
9·In the hot argue on the subject identity and its identifying of comparative education, subject features are undoubtedly the critical facts that make what comparative education is.
10·In an advertisement for Presorbin, its makers argue that Presorbin is superior on the grounds that doctors have written 200 million prescriptions for Presorbin, as compared to 100 million for Veltrex.
在 Presorbin 的一则广告中,其制造商辩称 Presorbin 更有效,理由是医生开 Presorbin 的处方有2亿张,而开 Veltrex 的处方只有1亿张。