1·In analog computer, an arithmetic unit constructed by a servo system.
2·The components of CPU include three typical parts: arithmetic unit, control unit and registers.
3·Smart antenna is a complex system including array antennas digital signal processing unit and adaptive arithmetic unit.
4·Arithmetic unit: arithmetic unit is a data processing unit that consists of arithmetic logic unit (ALU), accumulator, data buffer, ect.
5·The part of execution in which an operand or instruction is read from main storage and written into a control unit or arithmetic unit register.
6·The multipurpose writing plate is composed of a baseplate, a writing board and an arithmetic unit. The arithmetic unit is fixed to the baseplate.
7·A portion of the buffer cycle in which the logic or arithmetic unit must cease operation or neither will be able to communicate with the memory unit.
8·This circuit is implemented on a monolithic chip, which is comprised of a period time sampling unit, a peri-od distanee preset unit, an arithmetic unit, a clock and time sequence unit.
9·ALU: arithmetic Logic Unit; the circuitry within the CPU which performs all arithmetic functions.
10·This paper describes a 32-bit fixed-point Arithmetic and Logic Unit (ALU).