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1·Please contact: mr. wang xuanjun attorney at law if you need legal support on laws of china.
2·Mark Cohen, an attorney at law firm Jones Day in Beijing, said the rules create uncertainties that could result in extra expense and delay for companies.
众达律师事务所(Jones Day)驻北京律师科恩(Mark Cohen)称,这些政策造成的不确定性可能会给公司造成额外的费用和延迟。
3·As a graduate of one of France's leading law schools, he has worked as an attorney-at-law in several European countries.
4·Jodi Furr Colton, an attorney with the marriage and family law group at Fort Lauderdale's Brinkley Morgan, said by the time couples arrive at her office, "they are living in two different worlds."
位于劳德代尔堡的布林克利·摩根的婚姻与家庭法律团体律师Jodi Furr Colton,在一对夫妇来她的办公室时说道:“他们生活在两个不同的世界。”
5·Larry Hilton, a Utah attorney who helped draft the law, disagrees and says the gold standard would restore faith in American money at a time when spiraling debt is weakening confidence.
拉里·希尔顿(Larry Hilton)是一名来自犹他州的律师,他帮助起草了该项法律。 拉里并不同意卡洛斯的观点,并且指出金本位可以重振人们对美国货币的信心,尤其是在当下这一时期,不断上升的债务日渐消磨士气。
6·A graduate of one of France's leading law schools, he has worked as an attorney-at-law in several European countries.
7·Stephanie Gardner, JD is an American attorney and Professor of Business Law with over 15 years of teaching experience at UBI, both at the MBA and Bachelor levels. Dr.
8·During his career he served as a staff attorney for the American Civil Liberties Union and he held teaching positions at several universities prior to joining Penn Law.
在其职业生涯中,他还是美国公民自由联盟的法律事务专员。 加盟宾大之前,他先后在几所大学担任过教职。
更新时间:2025-03-29 11:38