1·Don't be obsessed by such small things.
2·By now an idea obsessed him: that directed radio waves could be used to heat and destroy cancer cells.
3·American girls may be obsessed with celebrity, but they are no less fascinated by themselves.
4·But something seemed to be missing. We were always picking between meals, always obsessed by food.
5·They're obsessed with constantly climbing, and are often so blinded by short-term goals that they can be indifferent to how the world might be crumbling around them.
6·Basically you become obsessed with the subject and hope that if only a small fraction of it sticks, that will still be more than you could have learned by any other method.
7·Do you know how men can be so obsessed by love that they are deaf and blind to everything else in the world?
8·My philosophy is, be aware of it, manage it, but don't get obsessed by it-that's not doing myself or family any good.
9·When an obsessed would-be lover commits suicide, Mara (Veit) is transformed by a guilt that reduces her to a barefoot penitent trekking dirty and homeless toward a hazy goal.
10·If you are obsessed by what other people think, then you will be imprisoned by their thoughts.