because mobile




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1·Because mobile phones occupy too much of our time and attention, and force us to focus on them.
2·Because mobile video is a relatively new addition to portable media players, the first question for most developers is, Why create mobile video content?
3·Because mobile devices have limited memory and processing capacity, their manufacturers created an XML-like binary meta language called Wireless binary XML (WBXML).
因为移动设备的内存和处理能力都有限,制造商们发明了一种类似XML的二进制元语言,称为Wireless Binary XML (WBXML,无线二进制xml)。
4·For now, it's up to the enterprise to manage the handover to the cellular network, because mobile operators still haven't got a consistent approach that works properly.
5·It has to be really big because Mobile Safari is going to shrink it down to fit, and you still want users to be able to see and click on it even if they don't zoom the display.
它必须非常显眼,因为Mobile Safari将把它缩小,但是您仍然希望用户能够看到并单击它,即使用户不缩放显示界面。
6·The problem is becoming more challenging because we're sending more objects into space to help people use their mobile phones and computer.
7·—Why have I never seen this kind of mobile phone? —Because it was produced by Huawei last month.
——为什么我从来没见过这种手机? ——因为它是华为上个月生产的。
8·Some people call it a mobile star hotel because it has a bar, karaoke room, dance hall, and mahjong room.
有些人把它称为移动星级酒店,因为它有酒吧、卡拉 OK、舞厅和麻将室。
9·It is a good rule because it is hard for school kids to resist the temptation of mobile phones.
10·Mobile phones are ubiquitous because users do not have to buy any infrastructure to use the net-work.