bowling green




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1·On one side you look across the bowling green, behind the house, to a beautiful hanging wood.
2·Police in Bowling Green, Kentucky found a life-size statue of Affirmed with a jockey on its back in an apartment.
3·"It's joy, it's positive engagement with life, " said Jaak Panksepp, a Bowling Green University psychology professor.
“笑是欢乐,是积极地参与生活,”鲍林格林大学(Bowling GreenUniversity)心理学教授亚普·潘克斯普(JaakPanksepp)说。
4·A city of northwest Ohio south-southwest of Toledo. Bowling Green State University (established 1910) is located here. Population, 28,176.
5·Just then the train pulled into the Bowling Green station. The doors opened, a rush of humanity swarmed in, and then suddenly, she was gone.
6·But tour operators also say one lesser-known site very important to Chinese visitors is the 'Charging Bull' sculpture in Bowling Green Park.
但是旅游业者也提到,对中国游客来说,一个不太知名但很重要的景点是鲍林·格林公园(Bowling Green Park)中的“金融牛”雕像。
7·"Valentine's Day has really caught on" in Japan, says Jack Santino, professor of folklore and popular culture at Bowling Green State University.
“情人节在日本真的非常流行。”Bowling Green州立大学,民间艺术和流行文化教授Jack Santino说。
8·Ryan D. Tweney is an emeritus professor of psychology at Bowling Green State University, Ohio, and is the author of several books on scientific thinking.
Ryan D. Tweney是俄亥俄州鲍灵格林大学心理学的荣誉退休教授,也是几本关于科学思考的书的作者。
9·"Graffiti is a way for people to express themselves when they don't feel they can do so publicly," says Joe Austin, a professor of popular culture at Bowling Green State University.
10·“Graffiti is a way for people to express themselves when they don’t feel they can do so publicly,” says Joe Austin, a professor of popular culture at Bowling Green State University.
“涂鸦是一种当人们觉得无法公开表达自我时所采取的方式。” 伯林格林州立大学的流行文化教授乔伊·奥斯汀这样说。
更新时间:2025-03-10 04:25