1·The UK company British Telecom has added screens and free WiFi to some booths.
2·Today's trading, British telecom giant Vodafone (VOD) shares rose 1.6 %.
3·British Telecom agreed to keep overall price increases to 7.5 per cent below inflation.
4·Through an incremental approach, British Telecom can impact its employees in a positive way.
5·British Telecom also not clear whether the protection of users to prevent the recurrence of infection.
6·AT THE head office of BT (formerly British Telecom) in London it is hard to find any lingering evidence of imperial hubris.
7·Matt Bross, Huawei's global chief technology officer and the first Westerner to reach Huawei's c-suite, joined from British Telecom.
华为全球首席技术官马特·布罗斯是第一位进入华为管理层的西方人,他之前曾在英国电信(British Telecom)任职。
8·This was designed stupidly," said Bruce Schneier, a security expert who is also the chief security technology officer at British Telecom.
设计得实在太差,”Bruce Schneier说。 Bruce Schnerier是英国电信的安全技术首席经理,同时他自己也是个安全专家。
9·Ribbit, the VOIP platform that was bought by British Telecom last year, announced the winners of its $100,000 KillerApps challenge today.
去年,英国电信收购了网络电话(VOIP)平台Ribbit。 就在今天Ribbit宣布了奖金额高达10万美元的杀手级应用挑战赛的获胜者名单。
10·British Telecom has been rolling out its 21st century network (moving telephony to an IP backbone) but laughably on 20th century networking protocols.