by this token




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1·By this token, Performance Evaluation a tool to save management time.
2·By this token, induction and subculture of embryonic calli should be related with cooperative effects among different hormones.
3·For this reason, applications should locate the specific token by the token label provided when the token is initialized and not assume that a specific slot always contains the desired token.
4·This provider will consume some token and deduct logon data consumable by an Authentication provider from it.
5·This point in the source file is usually marked by a lexeme that is not consumed as a token by the preprocessor, meaning one that is not a preprocessor directive.
6·This file name is then subsequently used as a claim token by the sample application to check out the attachment.
7·By the same token, improving this area increases the agility of the entire software development team.
8·The client domain gateway expects a request message with an LTPA token in a Web services security (WS-Security) header as generated by the configuration described in Part 4 of this series.
客户端域网关期望 Web 服务安全(WS 安全)标头中具有 LTPA 令牌的请求消息(该标头由本系列文章的 第 4 部分描述的配置生成)。
9·The assumption is that this token is not consumable by any other IBM Cognos 8 authentication provider directly.
假设任何其他IBM Cognos 8身份验证提供者都无法直接使用这种令牌。
10·Storetype: This element identifies the type of storage that is used by the Claim check service when the token is used to check out the content of an attachment from storage.
storetype:当令牌用于签出存储中的附件内容时,该元素确定Claim Check服务使用的存储类型。
更新时间:2025-03-25 04:48