1·To ensure the implementation of the consistency principle, the fund management companies shall establish relevant internal control mechanisms.
2·This universal consistency among education experts indisputably demonstrates an immutable principle of learning: initiative and correct methods are fundamental to academic success.
3·That will demand not just guile and a sharp instinct for survival, but other, more noble attributes, including consistency and principle.
4·This principle of consistency does not prevent progressive changes from taking place when they are needed, but any changes in accounting methods or procedures should be carefully evaluated.
5·Although businesses may choose different methods of depreciation, the principle of consistency should be kept to.
6·This paper discusses the reaction principle and titrimetric operation in defining consistency of potassium permanganate titrant which sodium oxalate is regarded as the basis material.
7·Support vector machine (SVM) is a new general learning machine, which analyzes the consistency of learning and speed of convergence from structure risk minimization principle.
8·But Mill failed to remain in its logical consistency. And the conflict between "harm principle" and "utility principle" runs through from beginning to end of his theory of freedom.
9·So the writer thinks that we should adopt the "risk and benefits consistency" principle on the rule of risk-taking.
10·Honesty is a part of morals, referring to the consistency on the relation between ego and id or principle of sticking to truth showing the consistency on the relation among words, deeds and heart.