1·The console panel will have the verbose printout indicating that the deployment is successful.
2·The administrative console panel that is used to configure this setting is shown in Figure 4.
管理控制台面板用于配置该设置,如图 4 所示。
3·After creating the application, click on the application name in the center panel of the console to begin adding content to the application.
4·When you successfully connect to the administrative console, you will see the panel shown in Figure 1.
5·The command assistance panel only displays command (s) for the last action performed in the console.
6·The Front Panel of the console starts from the top, it includes the handle, the front face, and the interface.
这个主机的 正面 从顶部开始,包括提手、前板和界面。
7·With the new destination created, define PackageTrackingSOAPToMQMediation as its mediation, using the Mediate button on the Mediations panel in the admin console.
创建了新的目的地后,使用管理控制台的“Mediations”面板中的“Mediate”按钮定义 PackageTrackingSOAPToMQMediation 作为其中介。
8·You launch the administrative console, perform an action, and access the command assistance panel, which displays the wsadmin command for that action.
9·To access the generic server cluster configuration panel, expand the Servers listing on the left side of the administration console and select generic server Clusters (Figure 5).
要访问通用服务器集群配置面板,请展开管理控制台左侧列出的Servers,并选择Generic Server Clusters(图5)。
10·From the Patterns page on the WebSphere CloudBurst console, select your new pattern and click the deploy button in the center of the panel to deploy a virtual system.
从WebSphere CloudBurst控制台的Patterns页面,选择您的新模式并单击面板中心的Deploy按钮来部署一个虚拟系统。