1·Includes the Advanced access control Feature (ACCF) enabling cell -, column - and row-level label-based access control (LBAC).
2·Controls are added to the next available column in a row; if no more columns exist in the row, the control moves to the first column of the next row.
3·Over the next few months, this "Server clinic" column will be back to look at high-end version control, network proxies, and more automations.
4·If you hold CONTROL privilege on a table, you can update values that pertain to that table, but if you hold explicit DBADM authority on the database, you can change any updatable column.
5·Using this feature, data stewards can control read and write access for users and groups at the table column and row level.
6·They can go for the lower end of column width because they have a lot of control over the text (hyphenation and justification).
7·These operator choices provide further sorting control and accompany a given column in the ORDER BY clause.
这些操作符选择提供进一步的排序控制,伴随着ORDER BY子句中的给定列出现。
8·The option of column filtration based on SQL conditions that can be entered using the SQL editor control.
9·In the case of the DB2 example in the left column of Table 3, if a particular SQL statement fails and generates an error, control is passed to the condition handler.
对于表3左侧列的DB 2示例,如果某条sql语句失败并生成一个错误,那么控制将被传递给条件处理程序。
10·DB2 extends its common services, such as optimization, indexing, concurrency control, and utilities, across the traditional relational and XML column data.
DB 2对其涉及传统关系数据和xml列数据的常用服务进行了扩展,例如优化、索引、并行控制和实用工具。