1·The methods for calculating low limit frequency and coupling capacitance are discussed in detail.
2·In this paper the coupling capacitance between the heatsink and the devices is calculated by FDTD method.
3·This paper also presented a semiempirical relationship of dipolar layer capacitance and coupling capacitance.
4·The invention relates to a coupling capacitance forming circuit, an integrated circuit using the same and a correlative method thereof.
5·Coupling capacitance between the heatsink and the devices produces common mode emission, which is considered as a constant calculated by a equation resulting from the static field for a long time.
6·With this shield in place, the noise current generated by the electrostatic voltage source and the coupling capacitance flows through the shield to ground rather than through the signal conductors.
7·It is found that it is convenient to control the quantum fluctuations and squeezed effect by adjusting mutual inductance coupling coefficient in mutual inductance circuit with coupling capacitance.
8·Is because of the esse of the distributed capacitance but the coupling of the creation.
9·The capacitance bleeder is used in capacitive voltage transformer as bleeder, concurrently as coupling capacitor.
10·The ERCCL logic is not implemented through a switch logic network but through capacitance coupling, which reduces its turn-on resistance and adiabatic losses.