credit analyst




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1·I encourage every credit analyst to take this course.
2·You are welcome to join Ford Automotive Finance (China) as Dealer Credit Analyst!
3·Martin Fridson, a credit analyst, argues that the agencies are often used as scapegoats.
信用评估人马丁·弗里·德森(Martin Fridson)认为评级机构经常被当作替罪羊。
4·Martin Barnes of the Bank Credit Analyst thinks this highly unlikely: “You’d have capital flight out of the dollar.
5·Martin Barnes of the Bank Credit Analyst thinks this highly unlikely: "You'd have capital flight out of the dollar."
6·Has the long period of credit expansion—dubbed the “debt supercycle” by Martin Barnes of Bank Credit Analyst—come to an end?
长期的信贷扩张局面是否就此终结? —这个情况被马丁巴恩斯银行信用分析员称之为”超级债务循环”。
7·Financial firms' public reports' don't paint a full picture, 'says Peter Nerby, a credit analyst at Moody's Investors Service.
穆迪公司(Moody ' s Corporation)投资者服务部的信贷分析师彼得·纳比(Peter Nerby)说﹐各大金融机构公布的报告没有把整体情况描述出来。
8·Mr Treichl joined it as a credit analyst in New York and worked in its offices in Brussels, Athens and Vienna before joining Erste Bank some 15 years ago.
9·Simon Adamson, credit analyst at CreditSights, said: "Clearly, it has taken a long time to put together and there are still a lot of doubts about how and when.
10·The Bank Credit Analyst points out that the economy is typically led into recession by "high-beta" sectors: housing construction, automobile sales and inventories.
更新时间:2025-03-10 04:52