1·Today very few companies will assume the defined benefit plan liability.
2·According to Hackel, the average company among the 1400-plus with defined benefit plans that his firm tracks was $376 million underfunded.
3·Sources of China IPD orientated from two defined benefit pension schemes, one is social pooling account based on PAYG, the other is individual account based on FUND.
4·The following is the core of the article, which analyzes the accounting method of defined benefit enterprise annuity and defined contribution enterprise annuity on basis of western experience.
5·This approach has the benefit that the input and output are more tightly defined.
6·I can take some prepackaged aspects and look at examples that show well-defined scenarios, thereby getting much of the benefit of AOP without all the risk.
7·Final-salary, or defined-benefit (DB), schemes are in place for long-serving workers.
8·Of further benefit is the existence of the standard set of custom tag libraries defined within the JSTL.
9·In 2006 80% of them relied on defined-benefit plans, which pay a pension based on wages and years on the job.
10·They would also have hybrid plans, with part of the traditional defined-benefit pension replaced by a defined-contribution plan of the sort common in the private sector.