dependency file




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1·In this case, you would need to prevent one version of the JAR file from being included in your build, but first you would need to locate the dependency holding the JAR.
2·Code as Configuration: These are things such as an XML file that drives a dependency injection framework.
3·On occasion, you might need to know the origin of a particular dependency - such as if you were to find different and incompatible versions of the same JAR file in your build.
4·To see how it works in a Warsaw-based project, we need to add a new dependency to its pom.xml file, as shown in Listing 21.
要了解如何在基于Warsaw的项目中使用Appendix应用,我们需要在该项目的pom . xml文件中添加新的依赖,如清单21所示。
5·Both the subdirectories contain a SRC directory for the source files as well as a build file and a dependency descriptor (ivy.xml).
两个子目录都包含一个src源文件目录以及一个构建文件和一个依赖描述符(ivy . xml)。
6·The dependency section of the project.xml file for the phonebook application consists of 23 dependencies, half of these being.jar files needed to support Struts and the DisplayTag tag library.
电话簿应用程序project . xml文件的依赖关系部分由23个依赖关系组成,其中一半是. jar文件,用于支持Struts和displaytag标记库。
7·Each dependency will lead you to another plugin.xml file that will have its own dependencies.
每个依赖性都会导致检查另外一个plugin . xml文件,后者又有自己的依赖性。
8·In both cases you need to declare the dependency (e.g. using the Spring configuration file) and add a corresponding constructor or mutator method to the dependent object class.
9·All we need to do is to set packaging attribute value to WAR in application's pom.xml file and use another WAR artifact as a dependency.
我们需要做的只是在应用的pom . xml文件中为WAR文件设置打包属性,并设置对另一个WAR文件的依赖。
10·The JDBC driver, which is usually packaged into a .jar file, is required as a dependency to make this all work.
通常,打包在 .jar 文件中的 JDBC 驱动程序是所有组件正确工作所必需的依赖关系。
更新时间:2025-03-26 17:46