deputy commissioner




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1·Guangdong Panyu Customs Deputy Commissioner Taoyong said.
2·Deputy Commissioner of Administrative Chenqiu Xiong attended the launching ceremony.
3·As Stuart Kerachsky, deputy commissioner of the National Center for education Statistics, put it, "the needle doesn't move very far very fast in education."
正如全国教育统计中心副主任Stuart Kerachsky所说,“在教育领域,针不会走得太快太远。”
4·"I think that F.D.A. 's credibility really depends on being able to explain its decisions well," said Dr. Joshua Sharfstein, F.D.A.' s principal deputy commissioner.
5·"The expiring collective bargaining agreement created a broken system that produced huge financial losses for our teams, " said NBA Deputy Commissioner Adam Silver.
NBA副总裁阿达姆-席尔瓦说道,“ 刚刚到期的劳资协议并不是一套双赢的体系,那个协议导致我们的球队蒙受了巨额的财政损失。
6·"The most disturbing part of this case is that the girl and the boy were killed by the relative of the girl," said Delhi Deputy Commissioner of Police (Northwest District) Narendra Bundela.
“此案最令人不安的是,当时的两个孩子是由该少女的亲属所杀死的”,新德里副警务处处长(西北区)纳伦德拉·本德拉(Narendra Bundela)说。
7·Peter Clarke, a former deputy assistant commissioner, backed him up, but MPs were unsympathetic. Mr Yates is under pressure to quit.
8·Mark Shields, a British detective who was Jamaica's deputy police-commissioner until August, recently said that he no longer believes the force can be reformed.
9·"They have no doubt that they will get away with it," said H. G. s. Dhaliwal, a deputy police commissioner in New Delhi who has investigated several such cases.
10·“They have no doubt that they will get away with it,” said H. G. S. Dhaliwal, a deputy police commissioner in New Delhi who has investigated several such cases.
更新时间:2025-03-26 06:32