devise plan




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1·One way to get started on building happiness at your organization is to nurture your junior staff, the members of the team who usually support the strategic plan rather than devise and implement it.
如何在组织内部营造快乐氛围呢? 可以从培养基层员工做起——培养那些通常会支持战略规划的团队成员,而不是负责设计和实施这些规划的人。
2·The key here is to plan out the feature set and then a devise a roll out project plan that allow small amounts of functionality over a period of time.
3·First, the group will devise an economic stimulus plan by the end of the first quarter.
4·Meanwhile, online calculators such as the one offered by Discover Financial Services,, can help you devise a monthly plan for reaching a long-term savings goal.
与此同时,像Discover Financial Services (网址为提供的这类网络计算器可以帮助你设计为实现长期储蓄目标每个月该有怎样的计划。
5·What’s most important with this step is that you devise a “reading plan” in the beginning and stick to it as you go along.
6·Whatever distance family members live from one another, devise a care plan so everyone can be involved.
7·This is an important consideration to keep in mind because it means that your backups will not expire and you'll need to devise a plan for handling this.
8·One French carmaker recently asked for outside help to devise a plan to secure liquidity in the event of a euro-zone break-up.
9·A key focus of the new action plan will be helping countries devise better national strategies to combat the epidemic.
10·Managing Director Graeme Wheeler promised Forum participants that the Bank would devise an action plan in coming months in collaboration with other partners.
常务副行长Graeme Wheeler向论坛与会者承诺说,世行将在今后数月内与其他合作伙伴共同制定一项行动计划。
更新时间:2025-03-26 09:23