digit span




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1·"With the first subject, after about 20 hours of training, his digit span had risen from 7 to 20," Ericsson recalls.
2·CONCLUSION: It is feasible to change the digit span test in Wechsler Intelligence Scale from individual test to group test.
3·The standard scores of neurobehavioral functions, except digit span and digit symbol, of experimental group were obviously lower than that of control group.
4·Steele, K. M. , T. N. Ball, and R. Runk, " Listening to Mozart does not enhance backwards digit span performance. " Percept Mot Skills, 1997. 84 (3 Pt 2): p. 1179-84.
听莫札特的音乐并不会增强在数字回朔测验中的表现〉 《知觉技能与运动技能》,1997。84 (第3册第2部分):1179-84页。
5·There were age and group main effects both on digit span performance and space span performance( P 0.05).
将两组按照年龄分为高年龄组和低年龄组进行协方差分析,数字广度和空间广度测验均表现出显著的组别和年龄效应(均P<0.05),但组别和年龄无交互作用(均P >0.05)。
6·Methods 193 normal subjects were tested by mini-mental state examination (MMSE), word immediate recall and word delayed recall test, clock drawing test, digit span test and verbal fluency test.
7·SPAN button. This button is used to select either 10KHz, 1KHz, or 100Hz steps for the VFO. The currently selected step is indicated by a line under the relevant digit on the Frequency Display.
8·Attention-span test, digit memory test, two-digital numbers list and profile of mood states(POMS) were used to test the ship crews and coast-servicemen.
9·This study is relatively innovative because it combined several factors such as emotion and age and made a survey on their influence on digit working memory span.
10·With decimal point span range and digit zero setting function .
更新时间:2025-03-10 10:42