1·Two water-based ferrofluids were prepared with peptization technique using dodecylamine and dodecanoic acid as dispersing agent.
2·The regulating agent comprises an oxidizing agent and a dispersing agent.
3·The additive composition may also contain a dispersing agent, such as a fatty acid.
4·A new dispersing agent (WPJ - a) for 38% atrazine suspension concentrates was developed.
研制了用于38%莠去津悬浮剂的新型分散剂(WPJ - A)。
5·The dispersing agent is sulfonated acetone-formaldehyde polycondensate or amidosulfuric acid.
降滤失剂 为聚乙烯醇或丙烯酰胺共聚物中的一种;
6·The result shows that the dispersing agent could outstandingly improve the permeability of the ore samples.
7·Measurement method of Daniels flow point and its application on selection of dispersing agent are introduced.
8·In controlling fire caused by oil, 2-8% oil overflow dispersing agent may be dissolved in water to enhance its effect.
控制有油火灾。可在水中混入2 - 8%溢油分散剂,能增加灭火效果。
9·In the pharmaceutical industry as drug suspension, dispersing agent, can also be used to manufacture products such as capsules.
10·And Aerosil could be used as dispersing agent due to its large specific surface area, high porosity and unique adsorption properties.
1·Two water-based ferrofluids were prepared with peptization technique using dodecylamine and dodecanoic acid as dispersing agent.
2·This article explain the research and development of polymeric scale inhibitor dispersing agent, and analyse the relationship between its construction and quality.
3·In the pharmaceutical industry as drug suspension, dispersing agent, can also be used to manufacture products such as capsules.
4·Analysis is conducted for the effects of different dispersing agent on the results of grain size analysis according to for the soil test selected from Yingou material site at Xiaolangdi.
5·The results indicate that the species and using level of dispersing agent were important factors to the particle size and distribution of the nano powder.