1·The market for distressed assets in Korea and many other Asian countries is not deep.
2·In Asia, the plan to purchase distressed assets drew little reaction over the weekend.
3·Distressed assets can be bought for a song, talented people hired cheaply and new ideas given an airing.
4·Expect transaction activity to pick up in the third and fourth quarters as distressed assets come to market at deep discounts.
5·Such a program would allow investors to 'borrow against high-quality mortgages, ' and create a market for the distressed assets, he said.
6·Financial institutions and others need to fess up to their mistakes by selling or writing down the value of distressed assets they bought with borrowed money.
7·"They know the prototype of player they want," says Martin Acosta, the son of the FEF's head. "they're buying distressed assets as a private-equity fund would."
8·“They know the prototype of player they want,” says Martín Acosta, the son of the FEF’s head. “They’re buying distressed assets as a private-equity fund would.”
9·Sadly for the telecoms firms, bottom-fishing for distressed assets rarely worked, and investors vetoed empire-building deals involving mature assets that yielded few cost synergies.
10·The amount of debt held by oil and gas companies worldwide tripled to $3 trillion by 2014 compared from 2006, he said. "This year we expect a lot of distressed assets to become available."