dog end




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1·You would say that we'll take the dog to the vet, and end the dog's life.
2·If we don't get her a dog we'll never hear the end of it.
—— 《牛津词典》
3·To remind me of that, I carry a stuffed toy, a small spotted dog that five-year-old Amber Mary brought me, along with a plastic bag holding a few pennies, at the end of a talk I gave in Florida.
4·But then I’m not sure I had ever fully imagined our search coming to an end and resulting in an actual dog in the house.
然而,我有否设想过要结束这段找寻工作,最后领养到一只实实在在的狗呢? 我不能确定了。
5·The son answered, “I saw that we have a dog at home, and they have four. We have a pool that reaches to the middle of the garden; they have a creek that has no end.
而且,我们只有一个游泳池,还是在花园中间; 但是他们却有一整条溪流,没有尽头; 他们每天都可以尽情地玩水仗,我们家却只有我一个人游泳。
6·You would say we'll take the dog to the vet, and end the dog's life.
7·"Historically wine has had a good run, but there is a feeling it is getting near the end of the bubble," said one City trader. "Every man and his dog seems to be cropping up as a wine broker."
8·If you've been running for a while, you most likely have your own "chased by a dog" story. (Hopefully it didn't end with a bite.)
9·He seemed resolved to end his life, but the weird sequence of events that transpired (a random dog stealing his mask?) led him to cling to the only tie that matters: his friendship with Jimmy.
10·After a regretful incident with the family dog, who had pestered him for so long, Sangha end up in the private zoo of His Excellency, an unspecified member of local Royalty.
更新时间:2025-03-29 02:48