dominant gene




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1·Clasping hand was likely controlled by polygenes with several genes, in which a dominant gene played a major role, and others were modificatory ones.
2·The results showed that: (1) for Hair forms and Nasal profile, the frequency of the dominant gene was lower than that of theirs recessive gene, but the opposite was true for Nostril forms.
3·So far, the large-grain dominant gene has not reported. Thus this research is the first to map a large-grain dominant gene on the chromosome 2 in rice, which was temporarily designated as gl-2.
目前对于长粒主效显性基因定位尚未见报道,因此本研究为首次将一长粒主效显性基因定位于第二染色体上,暂命名为GL - 2。
4·Dominant means that one gene in the gene pair is able to control the trait which that gene pair codes for, recessive means that both genes in the gene pair are necessary to control the trait.
5·The result indicate that population gene frequency variety expedite by selection and the test testify green-shell character is controled by a pair of complete dominant allele.
6·The hereditary mode of handedness or folding leg was likely the dominant heredity of single gene of autosome, and the right type of them was the dominant character.
7·Objective to explore the possibility of using HBV as a gene delivery vector, and to test the anti-HBV effects by intracellular expression of dominant negative mutants of core protein.
目的探索H BV作为基因治疗载体的可能性及检验HBV点突变表达显性阴性突变体抗hbv的作用。
8·Dominant glandless gene of cotton is an important genetic resource in glandless breeding, thus study of these genes is important for both theory and breeding.
9·The hereditary mode of rolling tongue or pointed tongue was the dominant heredity of single gene of autosome, and the can-rolling type or can-pointed type was the dominant character.
10·The research team says that the gene therapy might also be used in treating recessive and dominant forms of cone-rod dystrophy (CORD) caused by mutations in GUCY2D.
更新时间:2025-03-25 18:39