dummy bar




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1·Compared with the chain dummy bar continuous casting machine, the new one has remarkable advantage.
2·To introduce the constitution and process control of a dummy bar follow -up system with drag belt and without drag belt.
3·Presented the structural character and basic principle of a new dummy bar storage unit. In the same time it pointed out the difference from others.
4·After analyzing the problems of Beam Blank Caster Dummy Bar Storage device raised during production operation and solving them, economic profits are made.
5·It is ideal for sealing all the random gaps between dummy bar head and mould copper plate, to prevent the hot metal infiltration and break out while casting.
6·After sealed by sealing rope, it is essentially solid-free with residue between dummy bar head and mould copper plate, no damage to the copper plate and easy to clean.
7·Through the comparative analysis of automatic control of dummy bar follow -up system, to find out the advantages and disadvantages of the control in various dummy bar follow - up system.
8·The guidance roller supports the dummy bar when the casting process is just started. It also supports the soild state billet with liquid core and guides the billet direction in the casting process.
导向辊 的作用是对带液心的铸坯起支撑作用和导向作用,同时也是在开浇时对引锭杆进行支撑和导向。
9·The BAR builder automatically includes the dummy Transformation Extender map in the BAR file, which is deployed on the execution group as framework flow.
bar构建器会在BAR文件中自动包括虚拟Transformation Extender映射,被部署在执行组作为框架流。
更新时间:2025-03-29 11:08