e journal




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1·Just E-mail a distribution list or post the invitation on your online journal.
2·So says a study of e-mail in the journal Human Communication Research. [R.
3·The journal focuses on systems, algorithms, and applications of e-health and medical telecommunications.
4·The P. E. institute journal is the important medium for the newly scientific technique, it effects the level of teaching and training in University.
5·With the advancement of technology, as well as the improvement of publication, E-journal is likely to replace the plane journal, as the essential aspect of magazine reading.
6·picture of students talkingThe November issue of The Agile Journal, an e-zine for the Agile community, contained an article by Daryl Kulak titled "Let's Bury the Term Software Engineering.
学生们的交谈Agile Journal 的十一月刊,一份敏捷社区的电子杂志,发表了一篇由 Daryl Kulak 撰写的题为“让我们埋葬软件工程这个词语”的文章。
7·In an E-mail, the journal cited the highly publicized 2004 fraud that came out of South Korea, where researchers led by Hwang woo-Suk claimed to have produced stem cells from a cloned human embryo.
在一封e - mail中,自然杂志特别引用了2004年广为传播的韩国Hwang woo - Suk小组得到人类克隆胚胎的丑闻。
8·The document will be submitted to Reviews of Geophysics, a scientific journal, Hansen said today in an E-mail.
这份文档将会提交给《地球物理学评论》,一份科学杂志,汉森今天在一封e - mail中说到。
9·It works well for readily available sites like search engines, online bookstores, and even many library catalogs, but secured e-journal databases need federated search to be installed.
10·It won't be long before we start seeing ads in e-books, a business professor and a former book editor wrote in a Wall Street Journal editorial today.
更新时间:2025-03-28 19:17