1·We are able to educate every child.
2·For this purpose, our schools need both the talent and the organization to educate each child who arrives at the schoolhouse door.
3·If you embrace this rather humbling reality, it will be easier to follow the advice D.H. Lawrence offered back in 1918: "How to begin to educate a child."
假如你能接受这个有点伤自尊的现实,你就更加能接受d . H劳伦斯在1918年给出的建议:“怎样开始教育一个孩子。”
4·One of the easiest ways to educate your child about life is life Quotes.
5·There are many life quotations like the above ones that can provide you with important life lessons to educate your child.
6·Educate your child about how to live happy, successful and rewarding life using life quotes.
7·If you ignore the information and fail to educate yourself, you are a partner with your eye doctor in creating a visually handicapped child.
8·I refuse to believe that it isn't possible to educate every child.
9·And I think you can test that by asking the question: if you could educate a child by the age of six.
10·That's four and a half times more than the state spends to educate a child.