elongation percentage




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  • 伸长率
1·The tensile strength and the elongation percentage of the parent metal and the weld zone increased slightly.
2·The treated silk fabric features higher breaking strength, elongation percentage, crystallinity, and the thermodynamic stability as w…
经HTCC溶液处理后,普通桑蚕丝的断裂强度和伸长率增大, 结晶度提高, 热稳定性增强。
3·The paper introduces a new method and a new instrument on direct testing rove elongation Percentage with some techniques such as telemetry in operating of roving frame.
4·Its physical property is similar to that of spheroidal graphite iron tubes, but some aspects such as elongation percentage are inferior to the spheroidal graphite iron tubes.
5·The test shows that the influence of roving elongation percentage on roving weight unevenness and evenness CV is evident, and the control of roving tension is very important.
通过试验测试发现粗纱伸长率对粗纱重量不匀率和条干c V值影响显著,强调了控制粗纱张力的重要性。
6·The results of performance measurement test show that tensile-strength, contraction of cross sectional area, elongation percentage, dynamic ductility of the weld all exceed their base metal.
7·This means that the design will usually have only published values of yield strength, ultimate strength, and percentage elongation.
8·Some ideas on improvement in prestressing process are raised according to the observation and analysis on modulus of elasticity, apparent yield limit, tensional strength and percentage elongation.
9·Column 5, the elongation at ultimate stress, in percentage gives an indication of the 'Toughness of the material.
10·Combine with the creep experimental results, the three methods for measure plastic percentage elongation of creep are studied and analysed.
1·The test shows that the influence of roving elongation percentage on roving weight unevenness and evenness CV is evident, and the control of roving tension is very important.
通过试验测试发现粗纱伸长率对粗纱重量不匀率和条干c V值影响显著,强调了控制粗纱张力的重要性。
2·The treated silk fabric features higher breaking strength, elongation percentage, crystallinity, and the thermodynamic stability as w…
经HTCC溶液处理后,普通桑蚕丝的断裂强度和伸长率增大, 结晶度提高, 热稳定性增强。
更新时间:2025-04-01 06:21