emission nebula

[天] 发射星云



[天] 发射星云
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1·Emission nebula Sharpless 249 fills the field at the upper left.
2·This emission nebula on the left is famous partly because it resembles Earth's continent of North America.
3·Collisions between gas in the inner and outer regions are creating many hot blue stars and pink emission nebula.
4·The red glow in the background results from IC 1396, a large emission nebula that houses the Elephant's Trunk Nebula.
背景的红色光芒来自于 IC 1396,这是一个大型发射星云,其中居住着象躯星云。
5·Although glowing like an emission nebula, the origin of the bubble, known as Barnard's Loop, is currently unknown.
6·Messier 27 (M27) is an excellent example of a gaseous emission nebula created as a sun-like star runs out of nuclear fuel in its core.
Messier 27 (M27)是个气体发射星云的典型例子,它是由于类似太阳的恒星耗尽了其核心的核燃料而产生的。
7·On the left is an emission nebula cataloged as NGC 7000, famous partly because it resembles our fair planet's continent of North America.
左侧是编号NGC 7000的发射星云,或多或少由于它形似我们的地球上的北美洲大陆而著名。
8·The bland New General Catalog designation of NGC 2237 doesn't appear to diminish the appearance of the this flowery emission nebula.
它在星云星系新总表中的平淡名称“NGC 2237 ”似乎并没有稍减这一花朵状的气体星云绚丽的外形。
9·At 5, 500 light years distant, Cat's Paw is an emission nebula with a red color that originates from an abundance of ionized hydrogen atoms.
10·At 5,500 light years distant, Cat's Paw is an emission nebula with a red color that originates from an abundance of ionized hydrogen atoms.
更新时间:2025-03-24 10:20