1·Kojima said players are rewarded for cooperating and encouraged to stun and capture — not kill — enemy soldiers they encounter in order to put them to work.
2·If you use the Attack Move command instead, your units work their way to the same spot, but aggressively engage any enemy units they encounter on the way.
3·We will encounter the enemy at dawn.
4·In your life, you will encounter a variety of opponents, but do not worry, because the enemy is a double-edged sword, may pose a threat to you, but it may also become a driving force for you.
5·In this Supernatural Season 5 Episode 1 Sympathy for the Devil, Sam and Dean will encounter their ultimate enemy so far, who is Lucifer.
6·They will turn into either a Zealot, Marine, or Zergling, depending on what enemy race they encounter.
7·Bender calls Thibodeaux into the sheriff "s office telling him that he had abducted Amy and scheduling an encounter in the city ruins with his old enemy."
8·Yeah, they're ready for any encounter with an enemy force.
9·A warship involved in a battle would encounter the assault from enemy anti-warship weapons.