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1·In fact, all of those giants were on the JSF 2 Expert Group.
实际上,所有这些巨人都是JSF 2专家组的成员。
2·The expert group soon began receiving feedback on the ea release.
3·The JCP expert group has produced an early draft for version 2.0.
JCP 专家组已经制定了 2.0 版的初步草案。
4·The JPA expert group is working hard to finalize the JPA 2.0 specification.
JPA 专家组正在努力最终确定 JPA 2.0 规范。
5·The expert group would like to solicit feedback from the community on this subject.
6·The JSR-166 expert group (see Resources) anticipated this situation, to some degree.
JSR-166 专家组(参见 参考资料)在一定程度上预测到了这一情形。
7·But this is clearly an area where the expert group is looking for feedback and proposals.
8·If you have been following the JPA 2.0 expert group, then you know that this is a moving target.
如果一直关注JPA 2.0专家组,您会知道这是个持续的目标。
9·There is also a joint working group on the border issues as well as an expert committee or an expert group.
10·The JSF 2.0 Expert Group essentially standardized some of the best features from those open source projects.
JSF 2.0 专家组实际上对来自这些开源项目的最佳特性进行了标准化。
1·On 31 March 2009, all seven were in L'Aquila at a meeting of the Major Risks Committee, an expert group that advises the Civil Protection Agency on the risks of natural disasters.
2·The JSF 2.0 Expert Group essentially standardized some of the best features from those open source projects.
JSF 2.0 专家组实际上对来自这些开源项目的最佳特性进行了标准化。
3·In fact, all of those giants were on the JSF 2 Expert Group.
实际上,所有这些巨人都是JSF 2专家组的成员。
4·She is now a member of the High-Level Expert Group appointed by India's Planning Commission in October 2010 to develop plans for universal health coverage.
5·The JPA expert group is continuing to modify the specification and associated APIs on a weekly basis, although the rate of change is slowing greatly with the final version due on the horizon.
更新时间:2025-03-26 17:37