1·Don't be wishy-washy. define explicit function arguments.
2·Explicit function calls are required in order to create and destroy object instances.
3·There should be an explicit function called Create a copy. The copy will be identical to the original, but not tied to the original in any way.
4·In these examples, one can not only solve the inversion problems by the method of explicit function, but also make the calculation simple and the result accurate.
5·There is no explicit function for making a copy of, or archiving, a document. Users must accomplish this with the Save as dialog, and doing so is as clear as mud.
6·The generalized constraint forces are then expressed as an explicit function of the state variables and generalized input forces, from which force information is therefore obtained.
7·By considering the effect oft he triplet state in single molecule energy level, an explicit function is given for the signal-to-backgound ratio(SBR) by use of photon-counting statistics.
8·These services, then, provide an explicit business function as well as provide an interaction point for generating new business events for further event-based processing.
9·When you invoke any WebSphere MQ function exchanging a message with MQ, you must be within a transaction, implicit or explicit.
任何用于与MQ交换消息的WebSphere mq函数都必须在一个事务中显式或隐式地调用。
10·As mentioned in the Displaying the HTML form section, buttons in the HTML form fragment must include an explicit call to the submit function.